A super set is a combination of two exercises for the same bodypart done consecutively. They work best with the larger muscles and should just be done once in a while, maybe every third workout for bodypart. Some good combinations are: Chest: Bench Press and Flyes Back: Seated Rows and Lat Pulldowns Legs: Squats and Leg Press or knee extensions Shoulders: Behind the Neck Press and Side or Rear Laterals Chest: Bench Press and Flyes Back: Seated Rows and Lat Pulldowns Legs: Squats and Leg Press or knee extensions Shoulders: Behind the Neck Press and Side or Rear Laterals How to: Do the first exercise to failure and then switch to the second and go to failure, plus a few forced reps if you have a partner to spot you. You can choose any two exercises you want but it's best to have a basic compound movement first and an isolating movement second. Choose a weight that you can get between 8 and 12 reps with per exercise.
Compound SetsCompound sets are similar to supersets except the exercises are for opposing muscles instead of the same muscle. This method will really pump you up and force growth into your muscles! This is also good if you're in a hurry as you can get two bodyparts in about the same time it normally takes to do one.How to: Choose exercises for opposing muscle groups, basically one exercise will "push" and the other will "pull". The main opposing groups are: Biceps and Triceps, Quadriceps and Hamstrings, Chest and Back, Shoulders and Lats. Do the first exercise to failure and immediately do the other exercise, then take around 2 minutes rest and do it again, and again! After three sets of this you should be so pumped you can hardly move. Here are some good exercise combinations: Chest and Back: Chest and Back: Bench Press and Seated Rows Quads and Hamstrings: Quads and Hamstrings: Squats and leg curls Shoulders and Lats: Shoulders and Lats: Shoulder Press and Lat Pull Downs Arms: Biceps curls and Triceps extensions Biceps curls and Triceps extensions Go to: Back Legs Shoulders Calves Arms Abs Back to exercises
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