Do I Lose Fat?
The do's and don'ts for effective fat loss
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ketogenic diet, Exercise , Supplements
This seems to be the question on everyone's mind, and for good
reason, fat is so easy to acquire and so hard to get rid of. Most bodies love to
store fat, it's good security for when you run out of food. This is unlikely, but your
body doesn't know that. Unfortunately, the body loves storing fat so much that it
will burn anything else available (muscle tissue, stored carbohydrate, etc.) before
digging into the fat reserves. Unless you trick it.
first thing your body will burn is stored carbohydrates in the form of glycogen.
The next is muscle tissue, only then does it grudgingly dip into the fat
stores. This is why most diets don't work, especially "starvation"
diets. When you suddenly cut off the food supply, a survival mechanism kicks in
causing the body to store every little bit of fat that it can! This results in
weight loss, but not much fat loss, and as soon as you DO eat something, it immediately
gets stored as fat to replace any that was used. This is NOT what you want, so you
have to fool the body into thinking it doesn't need fat. Here is a list of
effective ways to do this, and you won't even have to starve yourself! It's never easy
Change your
eating habits
Don't diet! Make a permanent change in
how you eat
1) Limit, but don't cut out high fat foods: Dietary fat
can be stored if taken in excess, however, some fat intake must be maintained to prevent
the body from storing every bit of fat it does get. (see #6 below).
2) Limit high sugar and high glycemic
index foods (including fruit): Simple sugars (and many
"complex"carbohydrates) get easily converted into fat, and can also be the cause
of high cholesterol. Glucose, fructose, and sucrose are all simple sugars and
maltodextrin (common in many "weight gainer supplements) has a very high glycemic
index putting it in the same category as simple sugars. I'm not saying not to eat
fruit, as they contain many beneficial vitamins, just don't overdo it. Keep it to 2
or 3 pieces a day.
3)Eat more frequently: Yes, you read that right! Eat 5 or
6 smaller meals a day (or 3 main meals and 2 -3 healthy snacks (protein shakes work
well)). There are several reasons for this, they are:
With smaller servings, your stomach will shrink and you will get
full faster.
Digesting burns a surprising amount of calories, eat more often and
burn more calories!
When you eat a large meal, the body takes what it needs, and saves
the excess as, guess what? FAT. Smaller meals prevent this even if you eat the
same amount overall.
4) Never eat before bed: Plan your
last meal to be at least 2 hours before bed. The body likes to store fat while you
sleep if you eat too soon before bed.
5) Eat slowly: It takes your
stomach about 20 minutes to signal the brain after it is full. If you eat too fast
you will think you are still hungry and eat more. If you're still a bit hungry after
eating, do something to take your mind off food for at least 20 minutes and you'll most
likely forget about the eating.
6) Don't totally cut out fat: Keep
some fat in your "nondiet", as it helps get your body into a "fat burning
mode". Keep it "low to moderate fat" not "no fat".
try to stick to the "good" fats such as those from fish, flax oil, sunflower
oil, safflower oil, olive oil, peanut oil.
7) This won't be easy so give yourself a
break sometimes. Allow yourself one "treat" per week, or even a day where
you can eat whatever you want, and really enjoy it!
8) Eat foods that take lots of energy to
burn: These include most vegetables (especially the fibrous ones) and protein
sources such as meat. Cut the visible fat off of red meat and remove the skin from
chicken. Water-packed tuna is very good (if you like it).
9) Take it easy on complex carbohydrates
as any excess gets easily converted to fat. This includes rice, pasta, potatoes, and
any "starchy foods". Eat these regularly, but not too much at one
time. If you want to lose fat faster, cut down on these foods and replace with
protein and fat.
10) The breakdown should be about: 40%
protein, 30% complex carbohydrate, and 30% fat. This can be varied but keep the
protein high and control your bodyfat by manipulating the carbohydrate content. Most
of the fat in your diet will come from the protein sources (meat and dairy).
A ketogenic diet is useful for rapid fat loss. They take
a bit of willpower but work very well to get to fairly low fat levels in a
short time. Expect losses of 2-3 lbs. per week. More is possible
but anything more than 2 lbs. per week increases risk of muscle loss.
The first week, you may lose 5 or more lbs. but most of this will be water
loss so start counting your 2 lbs. a week after the first week and try to
maintain that level.
Here are several variations of a ketogenic diet:
The fastest way to lose fat is to cut carbs out completely
for one to three (or more) weeks depending on how much you have
to lose. After that, you eat carbs for a week and then go back to
zero carbs, alternating until you get to the fat level you want.
You can lose several pounds a week on this diet but it's rather hard to stick
to as you can just eat protein and fats. The upside is that you can eat
virtually as much as you want. If you can make it through the first week
it's not so bad. This is known as a ketogenic diet. This is the
diet Andy, in my photo gallery got into his condition with, and he did NO
cardio during that time.
A variation of this is the CKD, or Cyclic Ketogenic Diet.
With this, you go 5 days without carbs, and 2 days with. This one
is better for bodybuilders as the carb days add new life to the workouts,
which is maintained almost until the next carb days. The first week is
the worst here and after the first carb up you should feel great for the next
3-4 days. This method works well but not quite as fast as the
"pure" ketogenic diet.
Another variation is the TKD, or Targeted Ketogenic Diet.
This allows for one carb meal on training days, usually taken at least a couple
of hours before the workout. With this, you get most of the benefits of
a ketogenic diet and the carbs give energy for a better workout. The
workout theoretically uses up the carbs eaten allowing the diet to still work.
So, you ask, what can I eat on this diet? Any kind of
meat (steak, chicken, seafood, fish, or other type--even hamburgers with
no bun, fat in the meat is not a concern), eggs, some dairy products
(don't overdo these), nuts for snacks, diet soda if you need an imitation
sugar fix, lots of water and small amounts of dark green vegetables.
A multivitamin is also highly recommended, as well as extra vitamin C, E, and
What can't I eat? Any kind of carbohydrate, including
rice, pasta, bread, beans, corn, cereals, sugar or anything containing sugar,
fruits (contains sugar).
Of course you can eat all of these on the carb up days.
How does it work? In the absence of carbohydrates, the
body will use partially burned fat molecules called "ketones" for
energy. When your body is burning primarily ketones, it is said to be in
a state of ketosis, thus the name of the diet.
Start a Fitness
If you haven't already done so, start
exercising! This is the best way to burn fat and stay healthy. Your program
should consist of a combination of resistance exercise (weight training) and
cardiovascular exercise (aerobic). One or the other won't usually be enough for long
term fat loss.
stated above, the body likes to burn muscle before it burns fat. Weight training
forces your body to conserve and build muscle, thus preserving it. If you weight
train, your body will not burn muscle tissue for energy! Now your body just has 2
things to burn: glycogen and fat. How do we get the body to burn the fat?
Aerobic exercise! This consists of any low to moderate intensity, long
duration activity. Cycling, jogging, rowing, dancing, stepping(stair climbing) are
all aerobic activities. These burn primarily fat, after the glycogen is used up.
How do we use the glycogen
up? This is where the weight training comes in. The trick is to do your weight
(anaerobic) workout first, which burns most or all of your glycogen, then do your aerobic
exercise! The body then has nothing left to burn but fat (remember, it won't burn
the muscles because it needs them for the weight training and the glycogen is all used
To put it simply: Do
an intense weight workout for about 45 minutes and proceed immediately to your aerobic
activity (cycling, Stairmaster etc.) for at least 20 minutes. This will supercharge
your body and keep it in the "fat burning mode" for several hours after (your
body can't easily store fat while it's burning fat). You should sip a carbohydrate
drink as you do the aerobics, and have a high protein meal or shake within one hour of
completion. Do this 4 times per week for maximum benefit.